Kogelo Tours has several active projects, set up to help the long term development of the local community.
During your stay in Mundeku there will be an opportunity to visit our projects and we are happy to suggest ways in which you can contribute if you so wish. We would also like to thank all those who have, and continue to, support these projects.

Day Orphanage
We support a herd of cows which provide milk for the children of the Day Orphanage. We have also completed a permanent cow shed, and acquired grazing land.
Further we make regular donations to the orphanage of clothes and educational items.

Local Schools
Partnerships with various sponsors have provided books and art materials along with sports equipment for the local schools.

Demonstration Farm
Currently many people are not educated to grow much beyond subsistence crops. Kogelo Tours has developed a demonstration farm through which villagers and others are learning to profit from farming fish, growing a wider variety of cash crops such as Mangos and Avocados as well as keeping livestock.

Digital Village
As part of a government scheme, we have set up a small media
If you have any